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Terry Bates

Terry Bates

Terry Bates is an author and publisher with more than 40 years experience. His books have been published and distributed throughout Latin America focused on schools, universities and professionals. The majority of his titles are directed to advanced level international students and professionals using English as a second language in their studies and work. He also publishes a line of ebooks for children learning English and Spanish as a second language among other titles for children.

In this moment, he is in the process of converting his long list of titles into ebooks to be offered to the public through worldwide platforms such as Amazon and Barnes and Noble. He is using the webpage AndeanWinds Software as his personal website.

Terry Bates
AndeanWinds Software


Landline in Bogota: 601 661 03 24
Cellphones in Colombia: 312 334 3099, 319 329 00 01


Bogota, Colombia

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