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Idiomatic Expressions in English

Idiomatic Expressions in English

English as a Second Language
High Quality Ebooks

In this ebook course, Idiomatic Expressions in English, we have selected 106 of the most common idiomatic expressions of the English language.

We feel this selection represents the most popular and frequently used terms in modern day English.

Common European Framework(CEF): B1-C2

Terry Bates
More Information

Each expression includes:

1. Presentation
2. Examples
3. Dialogues
4. Interactive questions and answers

Learn English
In your cellphone, tablet o computer.


The contents of Idiomatic Expressions in English includes 106 of the most common expressions in English.

Each expression includes definition, examples and interactive questions.

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This is why it is considered the preferred English course for students and professionals in all the world.

106 Idiomatic Expressions

Students, teachers and professionals
in all the world use
Idiomatic Expressions in English.

English Learning
High Quality Ebooks
En your cellphone - tablet - computer.



Idiomatic Expressions in English
will be available in the very near future on Amazon.

Common European Framework(CEF): A1-B2

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